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Qualified Validation

What good is a signature if it is not legally verifiable?

Make sure that the documentation received is correctly
signed and has full legal effect.


Validación Cualificada

¿De qué sirve una firma si no es verificable con eficacia jurídica?

Asegúrate de que la documentación recibida está correctamente
firmada y tiene plena eficacia jurídica.


International interoperability

Capable of verifying any qualified electronic certificate issued by any of the Qualified Providers published in the European TSL.


Rigor and efficiency

Exhaustive analysis of the stamped signatures, according to the eIDAS Regulation and international standards. Analysis and verification of the validity of the digital certificate used.


Maximum security and legal effectiveness

You will obtain a Qualified Validation Report, signed by ANF AC. Thus guaranteeing the validity of the report and the result obtained.


Concise and effective

You will also receive a clear answer, to be able to determine if the received document is correct or not.


Not submitting signatures to qualified validation is a very serious error.
¿Las consecuencias? The consequences? Accept documentation that, in practice, is not signed and take risks that can cause untold damage.


No someter las firmas a validación cualificada es un gravísimo error.
¿Las consecuencias? Aceptar documentación que, a la práctica, no está firmada y asumir riesgos que pueden causar perjuicios incalculables.


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Firma electrónica de contratos laborales y mercantiles, equivalente a la manuscrita.

Con la tecnología de Sign to Sign, obtendrás firmas avanzadas o cualificadas por el Reglamento (UE) 910/2014 y un documento probatorio con la trazabilidad de todos los eventos (envío, entrega, recepción, firma) .

Legal y RRHH

Firma contratos con
plena eficacia y
garantía jurídica

Sign to Sign ® está respaldada por ANF Autoridad de Certificación, prestador cualificado de servicios de confianza (PCSC) en la Unión Europea.

Auditores independientes y de máximo prestigio han verificado los procesos y los productos empleados por ANF Autoridad de Certificación, han sido diseñados y cumplen las normas y estándares de reconocimiento internacional.

¿Tienes certificado


Why use a validation service? coverage guarantee

Verify with all the guarantees offered by a Qualified Trust Service the electronic signatures and the certificates used in the documentation received by your company. Make sure that the stamped signature has legal validity, and sleep peacefully.



Sign to Sign ® is backed by the ANF Certification Authority, a qualified provider of trust services (PCSC) in the European Union.

Independent and highly prestigious auditors have verified the processes and products used by ANF Certification Authority, they have been designed and comply with internationally recognized regulations and standards.

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