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Calculate savings in signing
and contract management


Efficiency in time and money
with real electronic signature

Calcula el ahorro en la firma
y gestión de contratos


Savings calculator

Indicate the approximate number of documentation and contracts to be signed

Monthly savings:


Annual savings:






Calculadora de ahorro

Indica el número aproximado de documentación y contratos a firmar

Ahorro mensual:


Ahorro anual:






The calculation presented has been made taking into account an average total cost of 10 € in paper contract management. The average cost has been set taking into account the costs of paper, printing, travel and/or sending of documentation, storage, paper management and contingency plan


El cálculo presentado se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta un coste total medio de 10€ en gestión de contratos en papel. El coste medio ha sido fijado teniendo en cuenta los costes de papel, impresión, desplazamiento y/o envío de documentación, almacenaje, gestión papel y plan de contingencia

See calculations

An average of 15 pages per contract has been counted

Tranche of documents signed monthly Average of that section Annual contracts Annual leaf savings Paper Weight Annual CO2
5-10 10.0 120.0 1800 9kg 0.50769kg
20-50 35.0 420.0 6300 31.5kg 1,776915kg
55-100 77.5 930.0 13950 69.75kg 3.9345975kg
105-200 152.5 1830.0 27450 137.25kg 7.7422725kg
205-400 302.5 3630,0 54450 272.25 kg 15.3576225kg
405-600 502.5 6030.0 90450 452.25 kg 25.5114225kg
605-800 702.5 8430.0 126450 632.25 kg 35.6652225 kg
805-1000 902.5 10830.0 162450 812.25 kg 45.8190225kg

Efficiency and savings in:


Eficacia y ahorro en:

Paper Costs

Print or Scan

Postal delivery

Filed on paper

Loss management

Tracking Management

Sign to Sign ® está respaldada por ANF Autoridad de Certificación, prestador cualificado de servicios de confianza (PCSC) en la Unión Europea.

Auditores independientes y de máximo prestigio han verificado los procesos y los productos empleados por ANF Autoridad de Certificación, han sido diseñados y cumplen las normas y estándares de reconocimiento internacional.

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Sign to Sign ® is endorsed by the ANF Certification Authority, a qualified provider of trust services (PCSC) in the European Union.

Independent and highly prestigious auditors have verified the processes and products used by ANF Certification Authority, they have been designed and comply with the regulations and recognition standards international.


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